Ella Pinup, Photograph
Mixed media on paper 11"x17"

Ella Folie, a women living in her apartment surrounded by "Ellas", she doesn't realized her obsession for this drawing, an obsession that keeps her isolated from the outside world that is craziest than herself.
Ella Folie wants to project any obsession or addiction that we all may have, an object, a person, a substance, an emotion, in this case a drawing. Ella becomes a face, like a mirror that represents our own madness.
Artwork and artisanal fabric screen prints done at my studio in Montreal.
The photos of Ella Folie are an extract of an exhibition presented by Valence Art in June 2022 in Montreal.

Detail of screen print
Ella Tattooed in Collaboration with Nathalie Presle
Pigment Ink on Fabriano cotton paper 30"x24"

Detail of Ella Tattooed

Mixed media on handmade paper 27"x30"

Screen Print on paper 11"x17'